Custom AOV

This script shows how to create a custom shader AOV - in this example, the XYZ position (normalized between -1 and 1) as RGB values.

If you create a custom AOV that you think might be useful to others, consider making a pull request to add it to the default set of AOVs!

Note: creating custom nodes requires a reasonable understanding of Blender’s node trees. It is often easier to make the trees in Blender to test them, and then implement them in code.

"""Create a custom AOV based on distance to cube."""

import blendersynth as bsyn


class WorldPositionAOV(bsyn.aov.AOV):
	def _add_to_shader(self, shader_node_tree):
		# Define nodes to add
		geometry_node ='ShaderNodeNewGeometry')
		map_range_node ='ShaderNodeMapRange')

		# Set up map range node
		map_range_node.data_type = 'FLOAT_VECTOR'
		map_range_node.inputs[7].default_value = (-1, -1, -1)  # 'From Min'
		map_range_node.inputs[8].default_value = (1, 1, 1)  # 'From Max'

		# Link nodes['Position'], map_range_node.inputs['Vector'])

		# Return output socket
		return map_range_node.outputs['Vector']

# create monkey and light
monkey = bsyn.Mesh.from_primitive('monkey', scale=2)
light = bsyn.Light.create('POINT', location=(0, -5, 0), intensity=100)

aov = WorldPositionAOV(name='WorldPosition')

# Set up render parameters
bsyn.render.set_resolution(256, 256)

# Define outputs & render
comp = bsyn.Compositor(background_color=(1, 1, 1))
comp.define_output('Image', file_name='rgb', directory='custom_aov')
comp.define_output(aov, file_name='position', directory='custom_aov')